
My name is Ty. I'm a 20 year old Colorado native. I'm an artist, a minimum wage worker, and a lover of life. I'm also an assault survivor, a suicide survivor, and anorexia survivor, and a lifetime sufferer of depression and anxiety.

I'm tired of those labels being defining characteristics of who I am. I'm tired of being a victim and a sufferer. I am starting this project because I realized life is too short to waste hating myself and being sad, and then I started to realize that I have the tools to help myself. Once I started to heal, I looked around and realized that there were a lot of other people in my peer group in the same pit I was in. I started to wonder of the things I tried to do for myself might help other people, or at least help them get pointed the way they want to point.

I do not claim my ideas will work for everyone, and I DEFINITELY don't think they're a magic cure. Everything I'm doing and have tried to do has only worked because I genuinely wanted to get better. Depression is kind of like an addiction with how seductive it is, and the only way a person can truly start to heal and continue to do so is when they themselves truly want to get better. I'm hoping that for those of us who want to feel better and move forward, but don't know where to start can maybe some passive direction in what I have to say.

This blog is about self reliance and self-love. I will be posting challenges, things to think about, coping mechanisms I use, and things to brighten your day a few times a week. Take from them what you wish, and feedback is much appreciated. I want to learn from you too!

Thanks guys!

Love, Ty

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Why Love Yourself? Because You're a Rebel

Society doesn't want you to feel good about yourself. Society wants you to feel crappy all the time so that you'll spend all of your money on their beauty products and treatments for the rest of your life. These products are advertised like they'll make you finally-FINALLY-feel good about yourself, yet when you examine the ads themselves, their very nature is designed to make the viewer feel inadequate. I'm not saying it's wrong to wear makeup and enjoy physical beauty, I'm saying that our obsession with physical beauty over all else, in addition to this pervading thought that only one person or type can be beautiful and all others are inadequate is tearing us as a nation and as the human race apart.

If you're distracted by feeling terrible about yourself and obsessively feeding your money into this cycle, you aren't realizing that society has made you a prisoner to its own idea of perfection. You are complacent, you are padding the pockets of the puppetmasters, and you are not a threat to this system. Some people are so brainwashed that they impose this ideal, not only upon themselves, but upon their peers, often in the form of mockery and judgement.

So, you rebel you, with all of your high notions about how the world should be, how government should work, and how people should act, how about you start changing things with yourself? Focus inward, stop spending so much energy on your outward beauty, and stop comparing yourself to what the media says you have to compare yourself to.

You have beauty already. Focus on it and love it.

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